Video Services
The Problem
Hertfordshire has one of the lowest crime rates in England, yet fear
of crime is a major concern for the local population - particularly
the elderly. Videos produced by security companies and The Home Office,
showing burgled homes and quoting alarming national statistics have
done little to allay these fears. Hertfordshire needed to get across
useful crime prevention advice without increasing fear of crime.
The Approach
prepared which took a light hearted, even humorous, approach to the
subject matter. A typical burglar was portrayed for what he, is usually
a teenager who is terrified of being seen, and will go to great lengths
to find houses that are unoccupied.
It was recognised that the video would have limited value if it was
not widely seen. So several thousand copies were made and distributed
through Neighbourhood Watch groups, Hertfordshire libraries, local police
stations and video shops. Carefully selected clips were sent to local
news media with appropriate facts and figures relevant to the county.
Finally the video itself was transferred to film and premiered in a
local cinema with a surprise live appearance by the burglar character
in the video.
Over 200 outlets across Hertfordshire distributed copies of the video
on free rental. 230 people attended the launch including local businessmen,
politicians, community groups and the press. A partnership with a local
newspaper group promoted the video further through a competition. Clips
from the video itself were broadcast on local news. Within a month over
30,000 people had seen the whole video and over 1 million had seen the
key reassurance messages on television.
Blockbuster video selected the video for nationwide distribution in
its stores and the production won a PR Week Award for the 'Best Use
of Video'.